6 Tips To Successfully Work From Home

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In my place of work, I share an office with four other ladies. The downside is that we are all on the phone frequently, therefore, we began working from home on various days of the week. Working from home has definite advantages: you get to skip commute traffic and you can cook a fresh meal whenever you’d like. However, there are a lot of challenges that come with working at home and may hinder productivity. As a gal who works at home frequently, here are my tips to you to successfully work from home!
1. Set a schedule My work schedule is very flexible (fortunately), however, that means I end up working a lot at night and on weekends. It’s part of my responsibility to set a schedule to maximize efficiency and still have a life. I have learned that I need to set up a schedule and keep a to-do list in order to have a productive day. I aim to wake up around the same time every day. Even if you have a flexible schedule, it helps to set an alarm and wake up roughly around the same time every day. I also plan out what I want to accomplish that day (work and otherwise). How much work should I tackle today? Am I planning to meet a friend for dinner or cook at home? When will I go to the gym? What time will I eat lunch? What household chores do I need to complete today?


2. Have a clean work space I cannot stress this enough. It is so important to me to have plenty of clean space on my desk. I have a great number of folders and papers that I need to spread out when doing my work. It also gives me peace of mind to not have clutter on my desk, which is often a problem because I have a tendency to stack books, magazines, and whatever else onto my desk.


3. Find time to exercise As we’ve learned from Legally Blonde, exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy. Exercise is key to a healthy and full life. I am not saying you need to run ten miles every day. I suggest that you take a walk, go for a hike, or hit the gym. It is important to do what you enjoy and what fits into your life.


4. Eat lunch away from your desk When you eat lunch at your desk, you often don’t enjoy the meal and it blends in with the rest of your work day. It is crucial to take the time to eat your lunch away from your desk. Go sit at a table and take a definitive break from working.


5. Keep photos or prints on your desk I find that having a photo of my boyfriend, Joe, and I (from when we first started dating) on my desk makes me smile throughout the work day. By having a photo or print on your desk, it makes your work space more comforting and enjoyable to sit at.


6. Have essentials at your workspace I find that keeping necessary items at my desk stops me from getting up and becoming distracted in the middle of my work. I like to have a beverage (often my beverage of choice is iced hazelnut coffee) on my desk at all times. I also try to keep useful items like tissues, pens, glasses, and basic items on my desk for easy access.


I hope you’ve found this helpful! What are your tips for working at home successfully?


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