Summer Wish List

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Why is it that whenever I desperately need to purge my closet I rack up a list of “must have” items?! As I prepare for my move to New York, I have been doing fairly well at getting rid of clothing, accessories, books, and DVDs. I have actually even made some money in the process (video and/or blogpost coming soon!). But with the start of summer and the hot weather all I can think about is being poolside with cute summer items. 
On days like today, I just want to head down to the beach with this Watermelon Bag packed to the brim with beach day essentials. Obviously that would include some Rose Gold Headphones for listening to music while I flip through the latest issue of Cosmo and occasionally look up to watch the waves crashing in. 
For days when I don’t feel like dealing with sand, I would opt for the pool and lounge on my Donut Float. In the evening, I could on this Pineapple Romper just in time for a backyard BBQ complete with burgers, corn on the cob, watermelon, and refreshing lemonade. 
For slightly more dressed up date nights, I could pair this Grey Watch with a dress and blazer for a more polished look. 
Sadly these additions probably won’t be made to life with the chaos of work and packing (and purging) but a girl always dream!
What is on your summer wish list?

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