How To Build A Healthy Relationship With Yourself

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The most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself. This is the one and only relationship that is guaranteed to last a lifetime. 
Here are my tips for building a healthy relationship with yourself:
Spend Time Alone: Learn to love spending time solo. From spending a night in by yourself to going to the movies alone, make time for dates with yourself. I finally learned to enjoy my alone time before I started dating Joe and I doubt we’d be engaged today if I didn’t know how to be by myself.
Practice Self-Care: As you may or may not know, I’m on a self-care kick/journey right now. I’ve come to realize how important taking care and supporting yourself is. I recently started a video series [more videos coming soon!] about self-care. In the first video, I shared 10 tips for practicing self-care.
Eliminate Toxic Relationships: You are a reflection of the people you surround yourself with. Break free from unhealthy friendships and relationships. Once you respect yourself enough to separate yourself from those people, you will be so much happier and will ultimately find much better friends.
Honor Your Body: This means everything from what you eat to how you plan your day. Eat to nourish your body and enjoy life. Schedule your time so you prioritize your needs. Avoid overbooking yourself; learn when to say no when you need to rest. This is one I’m still working on and it is incredibly important.
Learn To Love Yourself: You are not a carbon copy of anyone else. You are one of a kind. No one will ever be just like you. Act like it. Treat yourself to spa visits. Buy yourself flowers. You deserve the world!
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