New York Anniversary | Biggest Lessons Learned

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Today is my three year anniversary with New York! *Cue the confetti* I seriously can’t believe that three years ago, I boarded a plane for a unknown new home. I cried at the airport as I hugged Joe goodbye. My mom and I landed in New York in the mid afternoon. We took a car to our motel in Long Island City. We dropped off our luggage and jumped on the subway, headed to Grand Central station. I showed my mom around some of parts I’d seen on my one and only trip to New York two years prior. 
We barely slept the first night. We were so excited to meet up with the broker and find my New York apartment. Our first day was a whirlwind. We saw five apartments and the last was, by the far, the best option. We jumped on the unit and I was able to take it off the market. We celebrated with acai bowls in my new neighborhood. This time in my life has been the most exciting, scary, fun, and life-changing. The list of changes/life events would make this post way too long.
Even with all the highs and lows, I’ve never once regretted moving here. I’ve become a completely different person and have learned a ton. While boarding that plane three years ago feels like it was yesterday, I also can’t even relate to that girl who moved across the country. I’m really proud of the person I’ve become. I finally feel like a true adult [although I still have a lot of learn!]
In honor of my three year New York anniversary, I’m sharing the three biggest lessons I’ve learned while living here.
Closed Mouthes Don’t Get Fed: My wise friend and coworker, Rana, said this and it’s so true! She was born and raised in Brooklyn and has been working hard her entire life. She taught me to speak up and ask for what I want. I’ve become more vocal about my goals and aspirations. They are slowly but surely coming true – partially through hard work and partially because I’m finally asking for what I want and deserve.
Say Yes: Let me preface this by saying: I don’t believe in burning yourself out or forcing yourself to say yes because you have a fear of missing out. I do believe in saying yes to new adventures. I believe in breaking out of your comfort zone. I believe in pushing yourself when great opportunities arise. I’ve said yes to blogging events that have allowed me to meet amazing people. I’ve networked and taken opportunities that have led my to my current job. I’ve made travel happen, even when it meant sleepy Mondays and a messy apartment. I try to keep my life balanced and don’t take up every opportunity that comes my way but I do try my best to live my fullest life. 
Have Fun: While it’s important to be conscious about the future, you also need to live in the moment and have fun. I’m always trying to seize the moment – whether it’s trying a new restaurant or watching breath-taking sunset. Have fun and enjoy every moment.
Happy Three Years, New York!

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