5 Tips For Dealing With Change

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Hey friends! I was originally planning to share some last minute recipes for Halloween BUT I feel like I need to get a little more personal today. If you follow my blog, you know that I’m currently going through a lot of change. My husband, Joe, and I left our lives in New York City to pursue new opportunities in the San Francisco Bay Area. We did a cross country road trip with our cat [posts and videos coming soon!]. This week is our first week in our new jobs. It’s a lot. It’s overwhelming. 
Normally I would wait until I moved beyond a period like this to share some insights. Honestly it felt important to share while I’m in the thick of it. I don’t know how things will turn out or where we’ll be in a year. 
Here’s my advice:
1. Talk To Someone: I’ve been talking to Joe, my parents, and some friends about road blocks and struggles in this time of change. I can’t imagine bottling all of this up!
2. Create A Routine: I’ll be the first to say that I’m just starting this step. I’m working to come up a morning and night routine to create more structure in my life.
3. Hug Someone: Cuddling with your furry friends or hug a friend. Physical contact is comforting during uncertain times.
4. Get Out Of Your Head: I tend to stress about all the little details. Joe and I have tons to figure out – where do we want to live? When are our movers showing up? It can be easy to dwell on the details but we can’t control anything right now and we need to get out of our heads.
5. Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself: You’re doing the best you can. If you want to curl up and watch tv at night, do it. If you skip the gym this week, don’t stress. You are going through a lot and I hope you see how much you’re doing. 
What are your strategies for taking care of yourself during times of change?

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