Thanksgiving Self-Care

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While there is so much excitement around the holidays, many of us struggle during this time of year. We may be surrounded by family members or situations we don’t feel comfortable with. We need some strategies to help us get through successfully. Hopefully we can make the most of the holidays!

Thanksgiving Self-Care

Set Boundaries: You are ultimately in control. You may feel guilt or pressure from family or friends but you are not obligated to participate in anything that will upset you. If you choose to visit family, set clear boundaries. Create a game plan for yourself – find a place you can go if you need a break and  know you can always leave if things get too challenging.
Say “No”: You’re not required to say yes to everything [or anything]. Be mindful of what will serve you and what won’t. Say no to anything that could have a negative impact or may be too much to handle.
Prepare Yourself: Do something that relaxes you on Thanksgiving morning. Maybe it’s a yoga class. Maybe it’s reading a book. Maybe it’s extra sleep. Just take some time to do something for yourself at the start of the big day.
Manage Expectations: Most likely you’ve spent Thanksgiving with this group before [I would assume so if you’re reading this post]. Be aware of any potential triggers. Think about how people have behaved in the past so that you don’t have unrealistic expectations on Thanksgiving. Of course people do change but you don’t want to assume everything will be peachy and go in underprepared.
Have A Support System: Whether it’s someone physically present or someone you can text/call, find someone to support you [and let you vent] if things are too much to deal with. If you don’t have anyone in mind, journal. You can always use the notes app in your phone – I promise no one will even notice, they’ll just think you’re sending a text.
Take Care Of Yourself: Follow your normal self-care practices. If you don’t have any, maybe this is a good opportunity to find some!
The holidays are fun but they can always be a stressful time. I hope these tips make you mindful and helpful you have a [more] successful and/or positive Thanksgiving.
If you have your own tips, please leave them below!

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