10 Ways To Treat Yourself This Winter

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Treat Yourself

Winter isn’t the time of year to forget about self-care. When the weather outside is miserable, it is even more crucial to take care of yourself and make an extra effort to feel your best. After three rough winters, I’ve learned some treat yo self things that always boost my mood.

10 Ways To Treat Yourself This Winter

  1. Spend Some Time Alone: After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it can be so refreshing to spend some time solo. Joe and I recently went to Lake Tahoe for a weekend. He went snowboarding with his cousins and I opted to spend time in the cabin. I sat alone, staring out at the snow and it was completely silent. It was the most serene feeling!
  2. Amp Up Your Skin Care: My skin loathes this time of year. It feels incredibly dry. I try to fit in extra masks, serums, and stay hydrated to keep my skin soft. Here is my full nighttime skincare routine.
  3. Curl Up On The Couch: Wrap up in your favorite blankets. Start a fire (if you have a fireplace). Read a book or watch a show. It’s the best time to be cozy!
  4. Buy Yourself A Coloring Book: Coloring books are not only trendy but also so therapeutic and fun.
  5. Take A Bubble Bath: Take time out for a luxurious bubble bath; grab your favorite products and relax.
  6. Get Your Nails Done: No better time to get your nails some extra love. I like to get dip powder manicures and traditional pedicures at a salon but if you’re on a budget, you can do your nails at home (maybe with Netflix on!).
  7. Stretch: Whether it’s a yoga class, stretching YouTube video or doing a few of your favorite stretches on your own – I highly recommend stretching during the winter. We tend to spend more time inside on the couch and stretching can be a great release after that.
  8. Go To The Movies: This is my go-to date night (or solo date) in the colder months. Joe and I had AMC Stubs A List while we were on the East Coast and now we use the CineMark Movie Club to keep our movie habit affordable.
  9. Cook Fancy Meals: Cooking a fun meal with a significant other, friend, or solo can really boost your mood, especially on a cold day. Joe and I randomly made this chicken recipe and this mashed potato recipe the other night – it was an amazing meal! I share a lot of recipes on Pinterest too.
  10. Get A Massage: This goes along with the stretching. It’s relaxing and you deserve it! Treat yourself.

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