2023 Goals & Intentions

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2023 goals

For several years, I was strongly against new years resolutions. I was caught up in diet culture and perfectionism for so long that I only saw resolutions, goals, etc. as an unrealistic way to try to control myself. It's only been recently that I've been able to create healthier goals for my mental health and wellbeing. I've been thinking a lot about what I want for myself. These aren't necessarily new years specific - they are things I want to continue to implement into my life. As it is the beginning of the year, it felt fitting to list them out for you here. I hope this brings you some inspiration for your life and how you can show up for yourself!

2023 goals and intentions

2023 Goals & Intentions

  • Boundaries: My main goal for this year is to set firmer boundaries at work. Work life balance was really a struggle for me last year and resulted in major burnout. I've spent a lot of time reflecting and thinking through how I can improve my work life balance in the new year. For the past week and a half, I've been able to stick to my start and end times at work and make time for myself to have lunch. I'm feeling pretty good about it so far.
  • Routines: I want to corporate more routines into my weekdays. Going along with boundaries, I want to make a firm rule to always eat breakfast before I start work. I want to always take at least a 30 minute lunch break. I want to take care of myself in the evening before I go to sleep (hair, skincare, read a book in bed).
  • Mental Health: I put my mental health on the back burner for a large part of last year and ended up burning out. I spent the last few months of 2022 really focusing on my mental health. It made a HUGE difference! I want to continue to work on my mental health in 2023.
  • Let Go: One of the best things I did for myself in late 2022 was let go. I let go of productivity. I let go of guilt. I planned less. I listened to my intuition more. I had less structure overall. It was freeing. I want to continue to let go. I don't need to have every day planned. I don't need to make plans or do that one thing that *everyone else* is doing.
  • Laughter: I always want to make more time for lighthearted moments and lots of laughs. I want to have more fun this year. I need more silly moments in my life.

Those are my 2023 goals and intentions. These aren't just things I want to work on this year. These are lifetime goals. I hope we can all take time and energy for ourselves this year and beyond. We deserve it. 

Happy 2023!

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